
Join Our Team
In our opinion, a company’s corporate culture and the people who work there are its most valuable assets; it can make or break an organization. This is why we put such extreme importance on constantly thinking about our own corporate culture, and how we can make Clarke & Khan be a great place for our employees to work at – a place where people are valued, challenged, and respected, while living healthy and happy lives.
We don’t like to think of us at Clarke & Khan as a family (honestly, when companies say that who do they think they are kidding?). We prefer to think of ourselves as a village; a small community of people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and skillsets, who have come together for a common purpose: to contribute to a great team and corporate culture while also helping small businesses and startups achieve their goals.
In today’s world, an employee lasts on average around 3 years at a company before moving on, and we know that we are no exception to this trend. Our goal is to create an environment where our people are learning, growing, treated well, paid well, and happy so that they don’t want to leave. But if they do decide to leave, they will be set up for success wherever they go because of the experiences and skills they’ve gained with us, in addition to having fond memories of their time here. Maybe they will be a “boomerang” employee that comes back in a few years. Crazier things have happened!
As our Managing Partners have said in their commitment letter, “life is not the period of time between work and sleep”. We spend a lot of time at work, and our employees should like what they do, never be bored, and never get burnt out. However, work at the end of the day, is just work. Although It is an important aspect of our daily life, it should not define who we are and compromise what matters most: the people we care about, i.e., our families, friends, loved ones, and communities.
To enjoy life, people need to be healthy (both physically and mentally) and have the time to do so; ensuring this is our top priority as an employer at Clarke & Khan.
If you think that Clarke & Khan sounds like the kind of organization you’d like to work with, and you think you could be a value and cultural add to the team, please reach out. We’d love the chance to get to know you.
Executive Commitment
Our goal is not to be the biggest company in the world. Our goal is not to make excessive amounts of profit. Our goal is not to grow year-over-year.
Together, our goal is to make the world a better place, to provide our employees with a great place to work, and to provide our clients with a professional, honest, ethical, and valuable service that will help them achieve their goals. As individuals we aim to live within our means to provide for ourselves and the ones we care about.
We will do our part to solve the world’s problems, because we know that together our small individual actions can have a huge positive impact. We will think globally, while acting locally. We will be the change that we want to see in the world. We will leave a positive legacy and create a better future society than the one we were born into.
As a company our most important assets will be our individual people that work in the organization. As individual people our most important assets will be our time, health, and people we care for. These must always be valued, respected, and never sacrificed or compromised in the name of the company’s success.
We understand that although we are providing a service to our clients who in turn will be paying us monetarily, we are also providing a service to our employees; that service is providing them with a great place to work, and they in turn will be paying us with their time, skills, and knowledge.
We believe that life is not the time between work and sleep. Our place of work should be enjoyable. We should be having fun. We should believe in what we do, that what we do has purpose, and understand that every moment is precious.
Our individual health, both mental and physical, is always to be top priority. We will never work ourselves, nor ask others to work, to the point where personal health is sacrificed. Health will always be prioritized over work. The same goes for time spent with family, friends, and loved ones.
To enjoy life, people need to be healthy (both physically and mentally) and have the time to do so; ensuring this is our top priority as an employer at Clarke & Khan.
We will create an organization where people are valued, understood, and treated with respect. It doesn't matter who you are, where you came from, nor what you look like. What matters most is one’s attitude and character. Skills can be taught. Attitude and character cannot. We will first and foremost hire for attitude and character.
We will bring people together from diverse backgrounds and cultures, who have different opinions and ideas. We believe that diversity is part of our core strategy. A safe and comfortable atmosphere should be created where people are encouraged to speak their mind and share their thoughts, as long as they are respectful and tolerant of others.
We accept that we are not perfect. We have made mistakes in the past, and we will make mistakes in the future. However, we will always learn from these mistakes and improve. Mistakes are lessons, and they can teach us great things. We will never be too arrogant to think that we cannot be better. We will never think that we are perfect and can never change. We must always be thinking that there exists a better way and question the status-quo. This goes for us collectively as an organization, as well as individuals in our day-to-day lives.
If we do become the biggest company in the world, making excessive amounts of profits, and growing year-over-year, it will be because we have honoured and respected these principles. It will be because we have been a people and planet-first organization. It will be because we have been working to make the world a better place. We will never compromise our principles to make an extra dollar. There is a right way to make profit and there is a wrong way. If profit cannot be made the right way, then it does not deserve to be made at all.
This we commit to you.
Harrison Clarke and Iftikhar Khan
Contact us
Mailing Address
Clarke & Khan Consulting Inc.
83 Janefield Avenue, Unit #8,
Guelph ON
N1G 2L4
© Copyright 2025
Clarke & Khan Consulting Inc.